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Pulling Up Roots

There's more to moving than simply packing your belongings and shipping them to a new city. Moving means great changes in your life and your family's life — new home, new friends, new schools, a new job, and possibly a whole new lifestyle.

Such changes can be filled with uncertainty, anxiety and apprehension. But it can also be exciting, filled with adventure, new opportunities and a chance for personal growth. Although it is not easy to leave a familiar place, consider these tips to help you say goodbye:


  • Have a party for the specific purpose of saying goodbye to your friends. Hold it a month or two before your actual move. Make this a strictly informal time with an atmosphere that's warm and friendly. This will probably be an emotional time, but it also helps you realize these people will remain your friends, even though you will be separated by distance.
    • Have lunch with old friends and coworkers during the few weeks before your move.
    • Plan a backyard barbecue for the neighbors a month before you leave.
    • Host a family potluck get-together.
    • Take cookies and say good-bye to a meeting of your church group, civic organizations and youth sports teams.

  • Your children need their own party to say goodbye to their friends. Let them plan the party, but make sure it is designed to be a light and festive occasion so it will be something they will look forward to with excitement. It will help them to emotionally prepare for the move.
    • Young children may want to take cupcakes, cookies or fruit and vegetable snacks to school, day care, or a play group.
    • Preteens or teens may want to plan their own evening going-away party.
    • Teens may enjoy treating friends to a day at a local amusement park.

  • Say goodbye to your community by visiting all the family's favorite places one last time. Plan a family picnic or trip to a favorite recreational area, park or lake. Go see all of your favorite museums, landmarks and local attractions. Have a few nights out at your favorite restaurants, nights spots or clubs for the express purpose of saying goodbye. And, remember, there will be plenty of places in your new community that you'll like equally well!

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